Ok, so he only piped up in order to sue some nameless hack writer and a small publishing house in Sweden, but still, it's nice to have the reclusive author's name in the headlines again. The lawsuit is intended to stop the publication of an unauthorized sequel to 'Catcher in the Rye' called '60 Years Later: Coming Through The Rye'. First of all, that title is terrible, so I'm gonna have to side with the crazy old hermit on this one. With a title like that, you have to assume the book is terrible as well. Alright, you don't have to, but I'm going to.
Salinger's assault on copyright infringement and bad book titles brings up the debate over what the guy's been doing all these years. A couple of his numerous ex-wives have confirmed that he was writing something during his 40-year hiatus from publishing, but what he was writing is anyone's guess. It could be greatest novel in the history of the world...or it could be "all work and no play makes J.D. a dull boy" over and over again. Who knows. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the strange genius locks all his work in a trunk and sets the thing on fire right before he dies. Hopefully he doesn't. The man is a living, breathing literary treasure, and hopefully he has a few more gifts to give us before he really leaves this earth.
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