'Transformers 2' Is Racist
Don't think a movie about robotic aliens disguised as motor vehicles can be racist? Well, neither did I until I saw these two assholes. Their names are Mudflap and Skids, and they have simian faces, speak ebonics, have gold buck teeth, and are illiterate. But they must be important to the plot, right? Some kind of social commentary about how all life forms need to move beyond lazy caricatures and progress toward a greater state of connectedness? No, their job is to giggle like idiots, let loose a steady stream of cliched hip-hop slang, and disappear whenever a battle starts. They serve absolutely no purpose but to be racist caricatures.
I went to film school, and I have a reasonably grounded knowledge of filmmaking and computer animation and how much time and work go into creating characters like these. It's literally hundreds and hundreds of man hours. The director, the editor, the animators, the producer (I'm looking at you, Stevie), they all had to see these things a gazillion times. And never did they stop and think this maybe wasn't a great idea? Maybe these CGI Stepin Fetchits aren't the best way to please the kiddies in the theater?
I guess not. And just for good measure, Michael Bay decided to throw a delightfully offensive real-life Sambo into the film for literally no discernible reason. He pops up for about 3 seconds in a scene inside a Jewish meat shop, and all he does is sport buck teeth and a lazy eye and spout some plantation gibberish. I'm not an easily offended guy, but this stuff is just stupid, and stupidity backed by truckloads of money offends me more than anything.
P.S. The damn thing made $200 million over the five day opening period. Yes, $200 million. And I helped. Well, shit.
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