In another disheartening example of adult idiocy taking the life of a young person not given a chance to break free from the binds of her infantile guardians, a two-year-old Florida toddler was strangled to death in her bed by an 8-foot python. News story here.
When the owner of the snake, also the boyfriend of the child's mother, called 911, he reported the incident by saying, "our stupid snake got out in the middle of the night and strangled the baby." That quote is despicably absurd on numerous levels. First of all, yes, the snake is the stupid one for escaping your cage and seizing on the chance to make a meal out of a defenseless, sleeping infant. It's a fucking snake. That's what it does. Secondly, the snake is "ours" and the innocent child killed by your illegally obtained animal (It was his snake. He brought it with him when he moved in.) is merely 'the baby'.
Thankfully, charges are being brought against the man. When you have a small child in your home, there are certain sacrifices you have to make. You can't go out partying every night. You can't leave switch blades and pills on the floor. And you can't have 8-foot snakes. Sorry, that's just part of the deal.
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